Sunday, March 21, 2010

Walter's Decision

Walter's decision was by no means an easy choice. Obviously living in an all-white neighborhood would have its social consequences, but even beside that, money would end up being a future issue. Just because the family can afford the down payment doesn't mean that they will be able to continue putting up the rent.

Of course my first impulse is to agree with the decision, but it's really too complex for me to take a stance. I think that from a civil rights and pride perspective, it was essential for Walter not to let the neighborhood association buy him out of the house. However, I question the family's ability to afford the house. I agree that Walter shouldn't have taken the money, but perhaps it may have been a better choice to take that money and buy a smaller, more affordable house. I think that they had every right to choose the location of their house, regardless of the neighborhood demographic, but it could also be extremely dangerous to live in an area claimed by white people. Change only happens when people act, but the response of the people already living there could result in a lot of excess stress placed upon a family whose ties are already strained, even if no real violence occurred. I can't tell if this decision was a magic cure-all from Walter's perspective, but if it was, I don't think it would work. I don't know if moving into the house was the right decision, but it was a decision, and one had to be made.

I'm not expecting a positive future for the Younger family. Their relations were already worn pretty thin, and they are entering an extremely stressful situation. I don't necessarily expect violence from the people in the white neighborhood, but pressure is likely. Also, Walter's obsession seemed irrevocable, to me. That kind of madness doesn't just slide off like a piece of clothing that's been worn for too long. I doubt that if he discovers some kind of new found love for his wife that it will stick because of the future financial burdens, and they will all probably have to start working more if they plan on keeping the house. Mama's working may keep her from the garden she wanted.

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