Monday, December 1, 2008

Proposal Progress

For my paper, I'm going to write about how University should have lunch options other than fast food, for multiple reasons. First of all is health. America is combatting a nation-wide obesity problem, and evidence points to heat-and-eat and fast food meals as the primary culprits. Fast food meals have high calorie and fat counts with low nutritional value, and often come in servings far larger than normal people should eat. Second is for environmental reasons. When you order a meal at a fast food restaurant (or have it delivered to you), you also receive tons of unnecessary wrappers, packaging, silverware, and napkins. 170 kids eating fast food every day for lunch generates way too much waste. Lastly, it is more costly to get fast food every day than it would be for University to have a lunch program. Although it may require hiring a lunch staff, the food would cost a fraction of the price for students, and the pay for the new staff, if included in the lunch program, would easily be covered, while the students would still have to pay less than before.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How did it go? I thought you might like to check out our website on the impact of fast food packaging on forests...