Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Rhetoric Presentations

Many of the pieces of rhetoric people found were interesting, but a few stood out to me. The photo of the two boys on the basketball team was something that I wouldn't have even thought to take a picture of. I guess I'm just used to seeing them wearing ties on game days because it never occurred to me that that it was a form of rhetoric. I also liked Annalee's interpretation of the window sill at our school.

Something that this project showed me was how often we are exposed to rhetoric that we don't even register as being rhetoric. The window sill is just something I sit on to do my homework, and I see the basketball team wearing ties all the time. If I'm in Carmel and I drive by a brick McDonalds, I might think, "Huh, that McDonalds is posing as a friendly place to hang out," but nothing much more.

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