Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Joe's Desires

Joe pretty much just rambles out a chain of desires. Now that he is finally able to talk, he can't stop. Not all of his requests are things that he truly wants, but all he can do is spew words. The words come out of anger, out of desperation. What he really wants is to have his body back. He has been driven insane by his condition.

I would certainly want my body back if I were in his state. I would want to talk with universities, with anyone who would listen, about why I ended up how I did. Or at least, that's what my ideal self would want.

If I really truly were in Joe's condition, my only request would be to die, if I were even in a mental state secure enough to communicate that wish. After years of being legless, armless, faceless, and with no senses other than touch, I don't know that I even could tap. But if I could, I would beg and plead for death.

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